The Comedy Duo

I don’t understand how John Mulaney and Nick Kroll had a show on broadway that ran for as long as it did. It’s now a filmed special on Netflix, which is fantastic. Honestly, go watch it. They are dressed up as two old men and it’s raunchy, hilarious, and at times upsetting.

But, watch the video below, and tell me why anyone ever gave these two anything.


Do you have an answer? Because I sure don’t. The video is hilarious, but also there is so much going on.

Check out also this other video.


Seth Meyers admitted that it was too much tuna. The boys won.


Seriously though, these kids work great together.


They’re seriously so funny.


Anyways. Goodnight.


I Hope He’s Wrong Too

Watch this interview:


Yeah, I hope Ta-Nehisi Coates is wrong. But he makes great points. They don’t award MacArthur Fellowships to just anyone. Still, I hope he’s wrong.

But we purposely don’t go to him for hope. That’s not his job.

Yeah, that was a great interview. But it’s not supposed to be hopeful.


Jazz is Not a Punchline?

So, here’s this video.


My main issue with the movie La La Land is how Seb, the character played by Gosling, is so preoccupied with saving jazz. He wants (what modern jazz musicians would call “straight ahead jazz”, because it’s what is historically the most “jazz” sounding jazz that is still played today, even though fusion, latin, and funk and rock-influenced varieties of the genre, not to mention stuff like Haitian Jazz and the ways in which jazz has been embraced by soul, gospel, and world music traditions, are probably reaching a peak of popularity, and are more than well and alive today) to be “saved,” preferably by him.

Now, I get it. Gosling is making a joke at how this is how the world reacted to him, by sarcastically noting Seb’s ambition to save “jazz,” without caring what people of color had to say about it, even though no jazz musician would tell you that jazz is dead. But this monologue not only reminds us of how flawed Seb’s intentions and worldview are, but it gets away with not really apologizing for treating jazz as a punchline.

See, jazz is thriving because of people who care about it. It might not be in the mainstream, and it might not sound or look a whole lot like what it did in 1959, but it’s not exactly dying. And sure, there’s more amplified and electronics based and augmented instrumentation, and more comingling with other genres, but jazz is doing great. It’s not something to be saved (though it’s not exactly in the mainstream, constantly like it might’ve been in its hey-day), and it’s especially not something to be treated like a punchline to a really awful joke.

Jazz is my worldview, my lens to see the world. I am Mexican, American, a jazz musician, a student, and a catholic. My being fits into these five identities, give or take a few things. But Jazz is at the center of my existence. It is neither a joke nor a dead entity in need of saving.

If you disagree, then that’s fine. Maybe I’m just a musician. Maybe jazz is dead. Maybe I’m seriously in the wrong here. But let me at cry at the wake myself. My eulogy might begin with




A Short Post About A Long Conversation

Today I had a chance to spend a lot of wonderful time talking with a really good friend of mine whom I will probably not see for the next month. She will be on the Spiritual Exercises, 30 day silent retreat, and thus in Louisiana and out of reach as of Saturday afternoon. Seeing her was a total case of serendipity, and then the proceeding conversation with her, and which mostly included another mutual friend. The conversation between the two, then three, then two of us involved many topics, including the many strengths and weaknesses of our educational institution, and how it’s so radical in many ways, yet is also overwhelmingly dealing in what is slow work. We then talked about loving people who disagree with us, and the power of language, and how relationship and then analysis can be a tool for growth, both for individuals, but also for groups.

A lot of this challenged and affirmed ways that I feel, and just as importantly, ways that I think.

Anyways, it’s nearly midnight, and I want to pray.


Post-Ignatian Family Teach In for Justice

So, I’ve returned. I was at the Ignatian Family Teach in for Justice for the 3rd (yes, 3rd) year in a row. But it gets a little crazier this time.

They let me speak at the conference.

That’s right, I directly addressed the 1,800+ people present, including High School and College students, and all of the parents, teachers, administrators, staff, etc. also in the room. I was given my 7 minutes of fame to perfectly and eloquently present on a topic which they (“they” meaning the people at the Ignatian Solidarity Network, who put the event on every year) found fitting, in a manner in which they found fitting. My topic was… immigration.

Yeah, I went to Washington D.C., THE WEEK RIGHT AFTER THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS, to talk about my liberal/leftist/radical/Christian idea that, hey, immigrants are people too. But it turns out that it’s much more than that.

Are you also interested in what I had to say? Well, here is the video of what I had to say.


This was great. The video was great. Well, they left out my powerpoint. But do not be afraid, because below is the link to the powerpoint slides.

Really, you can just play the video in the background, and then listen to me speak as you flip through slides (every slide gets 20 seconds, from the moment I start talking). I might get around to uploading a video where you can see me speak AND see the powerpoint, but I feel like that might not be today. Anyways…

I’d encourage you to visit this website link in blue. There were really some fantastic people that spoke at the conference this year, and it was really, really amazing stuff.The link is a link to the videos of those other speakers.

So, that’s what I did this weekend. I hung out with 1,800 people, ran into Fr. James Martin, SJ, went to Capitol Hill to talk to congresspeople’s offices, and then went to New York for grad school interviews and meetings. It was overall great. Lots of prayer, lots of advocacy, lots of dialogue, and lots of subversion.

I think, for me, the subversion was the best part. And I’d like to end with that. My talking came at a great time. Donald Trump wants to deport 11.5 million people from the country, and talks about how people are criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. But here I am, telling my truth, my story, my life, and all of the context that up to it. Here is me, talking about how, since 1821, the US has been forcing immigrants, particularly from Mexico, to be subjugated to this awful system, making them the bad guys, crushing their spirits, and then forcing them to work for cheap. Here I am, a product of that system, still somehow succeeding.

I’m grateful for all of the love. Show more love by getting more educated.

Peace. A.M.D.G.