Tag: Gratitude

Discernment and Gratitude

The word discernment, in a very general sense, means simply to judge well. It usually involves judging something, like a choice or an option, based on logical thought processes, and sometimes multiple opinions.

In the Christian tradition, discernment involves finding what God’s will is in a certain decision, and for some people, Discernment can mean discerning the married/single/devoted/priestly life.

Sometimes, Discernment can be something as simple as trying to figure where God’s voice is calling in your life. What brings you peace and joy? What parts of your life are difficult? Where do you/others see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Or simply, where do you/others see you next week?

Discernment can be applied to any life choice, and sometimes so not-so-major choices. Sometimes, you just need to discern the proper way to approach finding a proper gift for a good friend. That has been my personal discernment today… haha.

As far as Gratitude, there cannot be discernment without it. Gratitude is the cornerstone of faith, because the gift of life that we are given is enough reason to be grateful. Things might not always go as we intend, but there are always minor victories. Gratitude is important, because just as easily as we have found the great things in our lives, they can be taken away. Even though gratitude won’t prevent these things from disappearing in our lives, they give us more strength for life with or without them.

Gratitude is a virtue. It doesn’t take the rich man much to find to be thankful for, but he finds it often most difficult, as for the poor man who might not necessarily have as much to be thankful for, but is often more willing to do it.

These are reflections, and to an extent rambles.

I’m grateful for my friends, family, life up until now, and God. I’m grateful for an education, and for the daily struggles in life, for they make it most apparent when others are with me. I’m grateful for the opportunity to write this blog, and for the technology, which isn’t always a blessing, but is more often than not helpful in some way. I’m grateful to be alive, because for many people that isn’t a reality they might feel. I’m healthy, well fed, and stimulated with the opportunity to interact with many human souls. In short, I am very grateful.
