Tag: daily

Finals Week

So, being a student, I have learned to fear many things: pop quizzes, surprise group projects (in which the teacher picks the groups), and “that one particular teacher”. But the one thing that I have been taught to fear the most is Finals Week.

The thing about Finals Week, is that you are given a test/project for every single class, usually incorporating all things “learned” from throughout the year, up until this point. During the week, there are no more “classes”, yet we still go to our classrooms to take our assigned test/present our assigned project. I personally am quite good at test taking in general, and am usually not afraid of projects, so the only thing that bugs me is that the test/project is worth a significant part of our grade (ranging from 5% to 35%, usually about 20% though).

Considering my Finals Week starts a week from today, all of my teachers have already begun to start “reviewing” for Finals, giving out packets, study guides, and words of wisdom. Of course, the Finals “Week” at my school is only three days (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), the last two of which are half days. This works pretty well, considering I have 5 days of actual class left before the exams/project presentations begin. I also start my Winter Break (the true glory which all students are eagerly anticipating, and the beacon of light which is the only thing guiding us through this week of hell on Earth) on the Friday after the tests.

So of course, I still am working very hard on all of my last minute work to be ready for “Redbull Week” (for me it’d probably be “Starbucks Week”, although I already drink plenty of that, as you might tell by my last post). As I look back at the past Semester, I see that I’ve come (what I hope to be) a pretty far ways after being the “new kid” this year. I realize that I’m actually surrounded by a lot of people that care (apparently), and have gotten to do some pretty awesome stuff, like play music (through what has been Jazz Band, and Pit Band for the Musical performances, and stuff), help broadcast football games live to the school’s live broadcasting website, and make pretty good times with a lot of the people I have gotten to meet. Journalism, now, also seems like a big part of what I’m doing, along side Music (playing 5 different instruments, attempting to sing, and working on my raps), and writing.

Wait a minute, what am I doing with this post? Is my blog just turning into a long form Facebook post maker? Can’t let that happen. At least not yet….

Any way, this whole thing about Finals Week is pretty important (according to what my teachers say), and so I plan to work hard. I also want to wish all of you, faithful readers, luck on your endeavors, whether or not they may include finals week.

Lastly, I want to apologize for another, non-humorcentric post. To make up for it, I wanted to post some videos.

First up, a video of something funny. Note: Funnier if Asian, or Mexican, or Both. Enjoy!

Then, something for the people that enjoyed my more serious stuff here. Note: Jazz…


What is this, I don’t even…?

So, this here, users of the internets, is a blog. But not just any blog, it is a Magical blog. Here, woodland sprites and ogres, and the weird goat-leg things from Narnia all come together to gang up on all the poor, otherwise normal, creatures of the universe. Why? Because logic says they have to.

But logic is kind of a douchebag. So we ignore it when it tries to bully and peer pressure us into doing things we don’t want to. “Jorge, where are you going with this post?”, you might ask. To be completely honest, I’m not sure. Maybe this is just all my frustrations and unused ideas taking on a physical manifestation in the form of words. Maybe I’m doing this all for reasons which Freud would say are to release all of my inner anxieties. Yeah, maybe this is therapeutic.

And maybe the earth isn’t hollow and full of islands of licorice in an ocean of lemonade. We can’t deal with ALL the hypotheticals here, people! The point is…..okay, so imagine the movie Inception. This is just like that. Except, nothing like that.

Side note: Inception doesn’t mean a dream within a dream. Inception is the beginning, the start, the birth of something, which in the movie is the birth of an idea in a person, the very thing the guys worked so hard to replicate, to emulate, to synthesize, to do within the mind of the rich, hopeless, young millionaire with daddy issues in the movie. But whatever. I digress…

I enjoyed this. Maybe this can be a thing I carry on for a while. Or maybe it’ll die, like Audrey II should’ve if Seymour wouldn’t have fed it. (Horrible analogy to make, by the way.) Now, I shall hopefully see you all again, for another…whatever this is. Peace!