The Color Red


Fire. That burning object which we associate with both destruction, and for some, life. Fire is the symbol of the Sun, that which if we were to be without, well, we wouldn’t be. Fire, in-and-of-itself, also gives us life. It was, prehistorically, that which gave us warmth to survive the cold, and to cook food, removing things that might kill us (diseases, and such).

Within ourselves, we see blood always as red. (Blood is never blue, ever. That’s a huge misconception that it’s ever blue. It becomes more of a pale red without oxygen, but it doesn’t become blue.) Blood is that which does two things within us: it carries oxygen to all the cells of the body, allowing cellular respiration to be possible on a grand scale (such as the human body, in essence allowing us to exist), and also helping carry a system of cells ready to fight off all sorts of threats to the body (this system, otherwise known as the immune system).

These two examples help serve to explain a great portion of the reason I like the color Red so much. I mean, Red is probably my favorite color. It is associated with passion, desire, and love. It is also considered in Chinese to culture to symbolize happiness, good fortune, and “birth coming to fruition”.

I like the color red because it is bold, intense, and passionate. It is the color of love. And, for this month of February, love has basically become the “theme”. So, of course, we need to tie it in to love.

But, in reality, love doesn’t have to be the hot, romantic kind of love. It can be the small, generous, and meaningful kind of love we share with friends and family, and important other. Is that cool?

I mean, even when small things are red, they stand out. Love, no matter how small it might seem, always stands out.

But love is something that we must take passion in, something that we must keep alive, like a fire, or a vessel full of blood, in order for it to mean something. We must be that fire, which burns bright, and gives life to the world around us. We must be that blood, which runs through everything, and helps give life to that which is around us. (Nice connection, right?)

Red is bold. We must be bold, but in a good way. Keep that in mind. Okay everyone, have a good day/night. Peace!…

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